Equipped to Go Forth Series

St. Francis de Sales Parish is pleased to invite you to a three-part series, Equipped to Go Forth. In an effort to help answer Jesus’ call to go and make disciples of all nations; this series was created to guide you with practical, clear and simple tools.

The three sessions include a presentation and workshop experience:

Session #1 – Understanding and Articulating Your Personal Faith Journey

Session #2 – Meeting People Where They Are and Connecting With Them

Session #3 – Walking with and accompanying them on their faith journey; inviting them to opportunities to grow closer to Jesus

The workshops will offer real life examples and concrete ideas. These practical sessions are aimed at helping you engage with others while growing closer to God along the way. You will walk away from each session with skills and tools you can use with confidence and compassion. Find new ways to share your faith story, listen to others, and intentionally invite others to grow in their faith. Explore ways to pray for and with others. Discover how you can bring people to know of God’s love and encounter Jesus.

Below, you will find links to the videos from all three sessions as well as the PowerPoint slides.

Thank you to Fr David F. Ryan, Eleanor Segraves, Fr. Tim Anastos, Mary Jo Kunzmann, Deacon Tom Purtell, Patrick Hopkins, the St Francis de Sales Evangelization & Mission team and our Parish Staff for making these workshops a reality.


Some Highlights from the Sessions 

Session #1: Understanding and Articulating Your Personal Faith Journey.  

To evangelize is simply telling someone else about who Jesus is and what He has done for you. Your story may be looked at in these ways:

  • My Sacred Story: Before – Christ – After

  • My Small Moments of Grace

  • The Timeline of my Story

Week #2: Listening and Connecting. 

When people feel seen, heard and understood, they feel loved.  People are interested in learning from someone who listens and cares about them, so Be Curious, Not Judgmental.  Ask questions and be a good active listener before teaching and sharing. Stay close to Jesus, ask the Holy Spirit to help you, and just be yourself.

Week #3: Accompanying Someone on Their Faith Journey.  

Jesus walked with his disciples, spending time with them, teaching them, building them up and then sending them out.  When you walk with someone, love what they love.  Also, beyond the "information" about Jesus, the Eucharist and our faith, we want to be open to "transformation".

  • Win - Enter into a trusting relationship with the person. 

  • Build - Teach them about who Jesus is and about the faith.

  • Send - Give the person you have been walking with the confidence to be sent out to make other disciples.


Additional Resources

“Mom, do you know Jesus?” – Marji‘s Story

Jesus’ Second Coming


Please email Pam Lynch if you have any questions or would like to know more. Plynch@stfrancislz.org   Parish Office 847-438-6622.