Human Concerns
The St. Francis de Sales Human Concerns Ministries and Activities include ministries that cater to the needs of our brothers and sisters in the Catholic faith and in our community.
The Human Concerns Commission would also like to announce that a collection of donated equipment is available for loan upon request. Equipments includes walkers, commodes, crutches, canes and a few wheelchairs that parishioners may borrow. Please call the St. Francis de Sales Ministry Center at (847) 438-6622 to make a request.
To learn more about the Human Concerns Ministries and Activities at St. Francis de Sales, click on the links below.
Angels of Mercy (Friendly visitors, medicine/grocery pickup, meals, drivers, Church or hospital appointments)
Angels of Mercy Ministry
The Angels of Mercy Ministry offers loving service and support to parishioners in need of temporary assistance in a variety of ways. Living their mission of assisting those within the community who are in need, the Angels of Mercy provide kind conversation, medicine and grocery pick-up, meals and drivers.
Requests for assistance need to be received well enough in advance to identify a volunteer driver. If you wish to request a volunteer driver, of if you wish to volunteer with Angels of Mercy, please contact the
St. Francis de Sales Ministry Center front desk at (847) 438-6622.
Friendly visitors at Lexington Health Care Center
Six to eight parishioners visit Lexington Health Care Center regularly to converse and chat with residents. If you would like to be a part of the trips to Lexington, please contact Marianne Bailey at (847) 550-9463.
Preparation and Delivery of Meals
Many of those within the community are unable to prepare or pick up necessary meals. The Angels of Mercy help prepare and deliver these items. If you would like to become involved with the preparation and/or delivery of meals, please contact Mary Lahr at (847) 438-3553.
For those within the community who are unable to run daily errands or attend necessary appointments, the Angels of Mercy Ministry provides drivers. These drivers are willing to take those in need shopping for groceries and medication, to and from Church services and to doctor’s appointments, chemotherapy and other treatments. If you would like to assist with transportation, please contact Father David F. Ryan, Pastor, at (847) 726-4723.
Bereavement Ministry
Funeral Liturgies
When a family experiences the death of a loved one, one of our compassionate and loving Bereavement Ministers reaches out to the family to help them cope with their loss, conveying sympathy and prayers on behalf of the parish community. Families meet with a designated Bereavement Minister, who assists with preparation for the Funeral Liturgy, to prayerfully and properly commemorate the life of their loved one. A worship aide is printed for distribution to those who attend the funeral.
To plan the funeral of a loved one with the guidance and support of the St. Francis de Sales Bereavement Ministry, please call the Ministry Center at (847) 438-6622.
All Souls’ Mass
At St. Francis de Sales, the All Souls’ Mass is traditionally celebrated on the feast day, November 2. Hospitality follows. Family and friends who have lost loved ones are invited to place a momento on a memory table that is prepared near the sanctuary area with pictures and other items to remember those who have died. The Liturgy includes a candle lighting rite, during which each person has the opportunity to speak the name(s) of their deceased loved one(s).
“Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.”
“We could not have gotten through our untimely loss without the love of the bereavement ministers. Thank you for taking the time to care.”
Our Time to Share Cancer Support Group
Our Time to Share is a support group for cancer patients and survivors. It is a safe place to share, to release, to offer comfort and to be comforted...a place to feel loved! Strength, hope, faith and courage...this is what we can offer each other.
To begin your journey, please contact Mary Manson at (847) 382-3051 or at
Dress-A-Girl Around the World
The Dress a Girl Around the World ministry is part of Hope 4 Women International's Dress a Girl Around the World campaign. The dresses are sent to countries such as Sri Lanka, Haiti, Brazil, Tanzania and Kenya. They bring dignity to young girls who may have never owned a new dress before. Volunteers make the dresses using new or gently used pillowcases and top sheets.
New volunteers are always welcome and needed to sew, iron or cut fabrics, mark elastic and trace patterns. Donations of pillow cases and top sheets, new or gently used, are appreciated. Cotton fabric remnants help make pockets and smaller sized dresses. Extra wide double fold bias tape, Ric Rack trim, ribbon, 1/2" elastic and ruffled trim can always be used as well.
If you would like to partake in this wonderful cause, please contact the Parish Office. For more information, please visit the Dress a Girl Around the World website.
Emmaus House Ministry
In response to God's call, Emmaus House is a ministry of hospitality dedicated to our neighbors who are struggling with poverty and its uncertainties. We provide resources such as shelter, food and clothing to families and individuals in need, helping them move from crisis to stability.
Emmaus House of Hospitality is a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation and a covenant ministry of St. Francis De Sales Church, Lake Zurich, IL.
Please visit the Emmaus House of Hospitality website for more information.
A Holiday Tradition - A Gift of Love
The Gift of Love is St. Francis de Sales Parish's adopt-a-family Christmas program. By sponsoring a family or an individual in residential care, parishioners share the love of Christ by opening their hearts to those who are forgotten or in need. Sponsor families provide a new article of clothing and a new gift or age-appropriate toy for each child in the family. Gifts for the parents are optional. In addition, we ask that sponsors provide a Jewel or Wal-mart gift certificate equal to $10 per person for each family member (i.e., a family of four would receive a $40 gift certificate). This allows the family to shop for their preferred Christmas meal. Individuals in residential care do not need Jewel, Target or Wal-mart certificates as their meals are include as part of their care.
Sign up for the Gift of Love takes place after all Masses on three weekends in November. All gifts are collected and distributed the second weekend in December.
Sponsor a family. This means buying a gift for each child in the family. Gifts for the parents are optional. We also ask that you purchase a Jewel gift certificate for each member of the family so that they may select their own Christmas meal. For further details on sponsoring a family, please view our Guidelines for Sponsoring a Family.
Sponsor an individual. Choose to sponsor a resident from Mt. St. Joseph or make a cash donation for residents at Lexington Health Care Center. Food certificates are not necessary, but a gift ensures an elderly person will be remembered during this holiday season. For further details on sponsoring an individual, please view our Guidelines for Sponsoring a Resident.
If adopting a family or an individual is not an option, but you'd still like to participate, donations of gift cards in any denomination are always appreciated. To make a cash donation, please make a check payable to St. Francis de Sales. Gift cards and cash donations can be dropped off at the Ministry Center any time Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.; Fridays, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.; or Saturdays, 8 a.m. - 12. p.m. (noon). Donations are tax-deductible. For more information, read our Tax Donation Guidelines and download a Tax Donation Form.
Forever in Our Hearts Grief Support Group
UPDATE: This ministry no longer meets on a regular basis - Please call Father Ryan at (847) 726-4723 to set up a time to meet. .
The Forever in Our Hearts group is a non-denominational self-help support group for grieving parents. The goal of Forever in Our Hearts it to provide immediate and ongoing support, through sharing and prayer in a group experience, to parents who have experience the tragic loss of a child during pregnancy, infancy, childhood or adulthood. The support group offers a confidential environment in which parents will have an opportunity to express grief, learn about the process of grieving and healing, deal with stages of grief, and to heal, grow and eventually move on with living again. Forever in Our Hearts was formed by grieving parents for grieving parents.
The group meets the third Wednesday of each month in the Church Gathering Space at 7:30 p.m. (The wall is closed between the hospitality and gathering spaces for privacy.) Members have the opportunity, if they wish, to express feelings of grief, learn about the process of grieving and, in time, grow to move on with living again.
Along with our Bereavement Ministry, Forever in Our Hearts parents come together in an annual Mass of Remembrance, usually on a Saturday morning in February, to share in a very special liturgy to honor children now entrusted to God's loving care.
“Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
From parents in their own words...
"It is a comfort to be with others who truly understand the feelings I have had during the many stages of my grief. This group has given me the support like a family would."
"You will smile and laugh again, that I can assure you. It is one baby step at a time."
"I have found Forever in Our Hearts most helpful in...listening and sharing trials, tears and moments of moving forward."
"You know you're with people who understand what you are going can repeat your story over and over and they understand."
"When someone says, 'I know how you feel,' they KNOW how you feel."
"I never thought this could happen...or that we would attend a group like this. Now, 10 years later I am not sure how I could have lived through losing our twins without being able to talk to people who truly understand our pain."
"I wish no one would ever experience the loss of a child, but if they do, I can't imagine a better place to be each month."
Serenity Prayer
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Jubilee Garden
Visit our brand new site!
“One is nearer God’s heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth.”
The Jubilee Garden provides fresh, organic produce to several local food pantries with our own St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry being its largest recipient. More than 3,000 pounds of produce are grown and distributed throughout the summer and fall months.
The garden meets every Saturday morning - first weekend in May through October - from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. (weather-permitting). Even an hour of your time is greatly appreciated. No gardening experience is necessary!
The Jubilee Garden is located on the north side of Route 22, just east of Quentin.
Thank you to everyone in the past who has donated their time and treasure. Work off some of your stress and help feed hungry people!
If you would like to schedule a group or if you have any questions, please contact Sharon Fredrickson at (847) 643-6633 or
Meals on Wheels
Through the Archdiocese of Chicago Catholic Charities Meals on Wheels Program, volunteers deliver nutritious, well-balanced meals to homebound seniors age 60 and above who are unable to shop and prepare their own meals and there is no person in the senior's life who is able or willing to do so. For information or to sign up for meals, call Intake at Catholic Charities at (847) 546-5733.
Volunteer Drivers
Many Meals on Wheels recipients see but on live face some days, that being a volunteer driver who delivers a meal to their home during the lunch hour. Instant gratification awaits the volunteer drive whose presence brings not only a warm meal, but also a warm smile. To request more information or to volunteer to deliver meals, please call Bill Schaefer at (847) 566-9197.
Ministry of Care
St. Francis de Sales is blessed to have many active Ministers of Care who bring the Eucharist to those in the community who are unable to attend Mass due to illness, chronic health conditions or aging. Please scroll down to learn about the many ways in which Ministers of Care serve the needs of parishioners. For more information about being a Minister of Care, please call the Parish Office at (847)438-6622.
For parishioners who are confined to their home and unable to attend Mass, Ministers of Care offer home visits once a week. Scheduling is arranged between the Minister of Care and the person wishing to receive the Eucharist. Requests are typically initiated by the homebound parishioner or their family member.
Twice a week, Ministers of Care reach out to parishioners hospitalized somewhere other than Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital. This may be a phone call, card, or pastoral or Eucharistic visit.
Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital
*Ministers of Care are sent forth from 8:30 a.m. Mass on Saturday and from 8 a.m. Mass on Sunday to visit Barrington’s Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital, taking Eucharist to all Catholic patients who wish to receive Communion. In addition, a Minister of Care offers a pastoral visit (each Tuesday and Thursday) to St. Francis de Sales parishioners hospitalized at Good Shepherd. (Ministers of Care from neighboring parishes bring the Eucharist on Monday through Friday mornings.) Once parishioners are released from the hospital, a Minister of Care follows up and offers home visits during their recovery.
Lexington Health Care Center
*Ministers of Care, in teams of four, preside at a weekly Communion Service at Lexington Health Care Center. The service takes place every Monday at 10:30 a.m., alternating between the second and third floor dining rooms. On the last Monday of each month, Father David F. Ryan celebrates Mass with the residents.
Silverado Senior Living (Memory Care)
After the 8:30 a.m. Mass on Saturday, Ministers of Care visit Silverado Senior Living (Memory Care) to bring Communion to Catholic residents wishing to receive Eucharist. Father David F. Ryan celebrates Mass with the Silverado residents on the first Friday of each month at 1:30 p.m. When Mass is scheduled on the first Friday, there is no Communion Service the following day.
Cedar Lake Assisted Living and Memory Care
After the 8:30 a.m. Mass on Saturday, Ministers of Care visit Cedar Lake to bring Communion to Catholic residents wishing to receive Eucharist.
Lake Zurich Meadows Senior Housing
Ministers of Care visit Lake Zurich Meadows Senior Housing to bring Communion to Catholic residents wishing to receive Eucharist.
Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
Parishioners may receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick at four Masses held annually at St. Francis de Sales. These take place at either the 5 p.m. Saturday Mass or 12:30 p.m. Sunday Mass. Also, the Sacrament of Anointing is offered at Lexington Health Care Center and Silverado Senior Living (Memory Care).
During these special Masses, Ministers of Care assist. Along with the assembly, they are invited to surround and/or touch the shoulder of the person being anointed, pray with that person during the laying on of the hands and join in the “Amen” responses.
Additional requests for the Sacrament may be made by calling the Ministry Center at (847) 438-6622.
Training and Meetings
Prospective Ministers of Care from a number of parishes in local deaneries gather for formation and training each fall and spring. After the training sessions, new volunteers are typically mandated as Ministers of Care with a blessing at one of the weekend Masses and a prayer rite at the Ministry of Care meeting. Training is followed by a period of shadowing with experienced Ministers of Care until the new Ministers of Care feel comfortable and ready to minister on their own. The new volunteers are typically mandated as Ministers of Care in October or November. All attend ongoing development programs once or twice each year with other Ministers of Care from surrounding parishes. In addition, in-parish Ministry of Care meetings are required monthly except in those months when development programs take place, and in July and December. Ministers of Care self-schedule at their monthly meetings and generally service one to several times per month depending upon their availability. Each year, a Recommitment Mass is celebrated in an evening in May.
*Good Shepherd Hospital’s Volunteer Office requires that Ministers of Care participate in a Volunteer Orientation, sign a Statement of Confidentiality and have an annual TB test (no cost) to visit the hospital.
*Lexington Health Care Center requires that Ministers of Care complete a volunteer orientation and sign a Statement of Confidentiality.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The St. Francis de Sales Prayer Shawl Ministry is a ministry of prayer and care for those among us who are burdened by serious illness. Volunteers create shawls to be given to parishioners and others near and far who are suffering and are in need of a tangible reminder of our prayers for them.
Shawls and lapghans are started, worked on and finished with prayer and blessed at the Anointing Masses. Each shawl brings to the recipient the warmth, love and concern that through prayers, has been absorbed into every stitch. Prayer shawls are made to give to those who are ill, grieving or lonely. They may also be given to celebrate a joyous occasion. Anyone may give or receive a prayer shawl. A very generous supply in a wide variety of colors and patterns is on hand at the Ministry Center, ready for whatever need arises. To request a prayer shawl, stop by the Ministry Center to select one that you may deliver yourself; we provide appropriate prayers for presenting the shawl. Locally, we can also arrange for one of our ministers to deliver the prayer shawl.
We are always looking for new members to share their time and talent with the people of St. Francis de Sales. The Prayer Shawl Ministry opens the door for all those who knit and crochet, both the young and the wise, even those who do not drive or who may be homebound, to be involved in a ministry at St. Francis de Sales. Prayer Shawl Ministers offer their gifts - prayer and crocheting or knitting - to stitch these special gifts for people who are suffering and are in need of prayers. All who enjoy knitting or crocheting, including those new to the craft, are invited to lend their ongoing time and gifts. No meetings are required, although some Prayer Shawl Ministers gather the second Tuesday of each month (except during the summer) from 9:30 to 11 a.m. in the Ministry Center to turn in completed shawls, share a bit of camaraderie and pray while they work on their latest shawls. There are many patterns and plenty of yarn to choose from. All that's needed is a pair of knitting needles or a crochet hook!
CD-ROMs with prayer suggestions, patterns, how-to instructions and other resources are available upon request for those who are interested. Also, we invite others to donate yarn to our ministry! The donations of yarn are a blessing to stitchers who would like to volunteer their time, but struggle to always purchase the yarn. (We avoid the use of wool, because those who have compromised immune systems may have adverse reactions to the natural fibers.)
For more information, please contact Lisa Warren at 847-767-6785 or
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a Catholic lay organization that leads women and men to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person services to the needy and suffering. The Society collaborates with other services of goodwill, making no distinction in those served, because in them, Vincentians see the face of Christ.
Case Work
Volunteer caseworkers minister to Ela Township residents struggling with illness, domestic abuse and job loss. They do their best to provide guidance and support, both monetarily and emotionally, to these individuals. Volunteers find time to meet with clients, assess situations, evaluate needs and work with other agencies to find the best way to help those in need.
St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry
The St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry is completely run by volunteers and dependent upon donations of food and cash. As a member of the Anti-Hunger Coalition associated with the Northern Illinois Food Bank (NIFB), the Society is able to use monetary donations to purchase items from NIFB at a steep discount. The pantry is always in need of canned and non-perishable food items so that we may continue to serve families and individuals in need of our services.
On Thursday evenings, the Food Pantry is open to serve the community from 6:30 p.m - 8:30 p.m. It is located in the St. Francis de Sales Ministry Center.
Food can be dropped off at the Ministry Center at the times listed below. If you have a large quantity to drop off, please contact St. Vincent de Paul (at St. Francis de Sales) via e-mail at or call (847) 726-4890.
For more information, please visit
Monday - Thursday: 9am - 7pm
Friday: 9am - 4pm
Thank you!
Respect Life
The mission of the Respect Life Ministry of St. Francis de Sales is to support the parish and surrounding community in a sustained effort to deepen respect for the life of every human being and build a culture of life. Human life is a precious gift from God, the Creator. Our goal is to bring an end to the purposeful destruction of innocent life and celebrate this gift from God in all its forms from conception to natural death.
Project Rachel
A Journey of Hope and Healing for Those Suffering the Effects of Abortion
Project Rachel is a sensitive, private, free and confidential experience with a network of specially trained priests and caring people who understand the painful road back from abortion. It is open to Catholics and those of other faiths.
Project Rachel Brochure (English | Spanish)
How does Project Rachel work?
Project Rachel Ministry begins with a phone call to the Project Rachel hotline, 312.337.1962; or 888.456.HOPE. The Project Rachel hotline in Polish is 773.656.7703; or The Polish website is A counselor will take the call, guiding the woman or man suffering from abortion through the initial steps on the road to healing.
The Church, through its sacramental life, offers those who have been traumatized by abortion a powerful way to encounter the healing and reconciling love of God through the Sacrament of Reconciliation and especially the Eucharist. By meeting with a priest or counselor, those seeking healing will prepare for Reconciliation. Forgiveness in the Catholic tradition is not forgetting what happened, or simply relief from guilt or punishment. Forgiveness means being restored by the God who knows and cares, and being transformed in the heart and created anew.
Although the journey of forgiveness can be painful and frightening, but each step you make toward home is evermore freeing and life-giving, rooted in forgiveness.
Let the Healing Begin
To find out how you can give of your time to this powerful, vital ministry, please contact Respect Life Ministries, 312.534.5355.
"Rachel mourns her children; she refuses to be consoled because her children are no more. Thus says the Lord; Cease your cries of mourning. Wipe the tears from your eyes. The sorrow you have shown shall have its reward. There is hope for your future." Jeremiah 31:15-17
LOSS Program (Loving Outreach to Survivors of Suicide)
The Catholic Charities LOSS PROGRAM was started by Fr Charles Rubey in 1979 with 3 couples who had lost children to suicide. At that time, they would meet regularly in their homes. Today this program has spread throughout the Archdiocese and beyond bringing hope and meaning to those affected by suicide.
Open monthly group meetings will be held at the Parish and Ministry Center on the 3rd WEDS of EACH MONTH; 6-8pm.
Anyone who has lost a loved one to suicide is invited to attend. **Please register if you are new to this program by calling (312) 655-7283 or visit
Suicide loss is complicated and traumatic. Together we walk through this specific type of grief and offer each other support. A licensed clinician and a trained facilitator will run each meeting. No matter how recent or how long ago you experienced loss by suicide -all are welcome!
Any questions, please call Tish Guinter (847) 293-4332