Totus Tuus Summer Camp

Registration is OPEN for Summer 2025. Please see the information below along with the link to our online registration form. This week of camp is generously supported through the support of our parishioners and camp families.

If you are interested in hosting our missionaries, providing a meal, or donating materials, please contact Miss Mimi at


Grades 1-6 Day Program

During the week, children will participate in four classes each day, attend daily Mass, learn the Mass parts and liturgical songs, participate in games, icebreakers, skits, songs, recess, and prayer. Totus Tuus strives to help the children stay consistent in their faith by reinforcing the important principles of the Catholic Church. Four college students, who are on fire with their faith, act as role models which the youth can observe and then imitate.


WHO: Children entering grades 1-6 in September 2025

WHEN: June 23-27, 2025 | 9:00 am - 2:30 pm

WHERE: St. Francis de Sales Parish School

COST: $40.00 per child for a full week  // $8.00 per child for a single day

BRING: Please bring a lunch with a drink and your own water bottle daily & a Peanut/Nut Free snack to share with the group (enough to feed 25 people).

Grades 7/8 & High School Evening Program

During the evening program, teens will have an opportunity to bond and build relationships with the missionaries and one another. Each evening begins with an ice breaker activity, the teens will listen to different testimonies  from the missionaries, have time in gender specific small groups, participate in prayer, medication and adoration. 


WHO: Teens entering grades 7/8 & High School in September 2025

WHEN: June 22-26, 2025 | 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm (we begin with a meal together each evening)

WHERE: St. Francis de Sales Ministry Center

COST: $40.00 per teen for a full week  // $8.00 per teen for a single evening

BRING: A water bottle labeled well & a Peanut/Nut Free snack to share with the group (enough to feed 10 people).


Looking to Volunteer for our Grades 1-6 Day Program?

We are looking for High School student volunteers. Please click the button below to sign up!

The Mission of Totus Tuus is to inspire in young people a true longing for holiness, a deep desire for conversion, and a personal renewal within the context of a stronger prayer life. Through evangelization and catechesis, Totus Tuus to foster openness to the sacrifices and blessings of the various Christian vocations.