ENCOUNTER Series | Satan the Accuser

There’s a reason that Satan is called the “accuser.” He wants us to be ashamed of our sins, think we can’t be forgiven. Jesus always stands ready to give us endless second chances. The heart of discipleship is forgiveness. Try to live like Christ even as we fall short of the mark. Through repentance we encounter God’s eternal love and forgiveness.
Into His Likeness, Edward Sri, p.82,83.

ENCOUNTER Series | How long does it take?

How long does it take to be holy, to be an intentional disciple? Months? Years? A lifetime? Yes. It requires patience and hope; your heart must sense how much God loves you. If we measure our spiritual advances, we come up short. Our pride is hurt. Don’t count your achievements. Count your blessings. Fall into God’s heart. Be lifted up by His grace. He loves you just as you are, not for what you do. God is waiting to lead you, move you and shape you.
Into His Likeness, Edward Sri, p. 66-67.

ENCOUNTER Series | He Delights in YOU

You are God’s beloved daughter/son. He delights in you. Believe it! Mother Theresa said…”only open your heart to be loved by him as you are. He will do the rest.” Deeply encountering God’s love changes everything. It roots you in a solid foundation. You see the truth about yourself. You see the truth about how God sees you. Thus your confidence is based on God’s love, not on yourself. Ask for the grace of a personal encounter. He longs to have it with you.

Into His Likeness, Edward Sri, p.78,79

BE A DISCIPLE Series | You Want to be a Disciple

You want to be a disciple.
You try to climb the mountain
of holiness: do good things, pray, do all you can to be a good disciple. But your striving isn’t producing the results you want. Why? You can’t earn God’s love. When you realize you can’t “do it” alone, that
you still sin, that’s when you meet God – in your humility.
He meets you in all your messiness and loves you just as you are. If you humbly meet Him in the “low, fertile valley”, he will take you to the mountaintop.

“Apart from me, you can do nothing.” Jn. 15:5

Into His Likeness, Edward Sri, p.68-69

BE A DISCIPLE Series | Do You Want to be Like Jesus?

Do you want to be like Jesus? It’s a struggle; trying to be good.. As you strive to be holy you become a disciple. If you want holiness, ask Jesus to change you, shine His light into your darkness, form you into His disciple. Sometimes his invitation to be a disciple inspires us, sometimes terrifies us, most times it’s both feelings together.  Pope Francis invites all Christians to open themselves to a daily personal encounter with Jesus. Our exterior life needs to draw from our interior growth in Jesus. Lord Jesus, change me from the inside out!!

Into His Likeness, Edward Sri, p. 36, 41

BE A DISCIPLE Series | Into His Likeness

Following the teachings of Jesus as passed on through the Church is just the starting point. Edward Sri says in his book, “Into his Likeness:” If I believe all the right things but don’t grow in prayer, kindness, purity, patience, mercy, forgiveness, generosity, and care for the weak and the poor, I am failing in my life as a disciple. Without love, all the outward badges of faith do not render me a faithful disciple.”

See 1 Cor. 13:1-3   Into His Likeness, Edward Sri, p.38

BE A DISCIPLE Series | Who Do You Say He Is?

Jesus chose his first disciples. He chooses you. Throughout your life he pursues you through various people, conversations, events and situations. He promised to always be with us; we are never alone.  Some people think Jesus was a great man but not God. Some say Jesus was crazy, a liar or a confused man. Who do you say He is? If Jesus is God then we must follow him. Individually each of us must choose to surrender to His will, allow Him to finish the work He has begun in you, make you the best version of yourself.

Into His Likeness, Edward Sri, p.41, 46


Do you want to be holy? Christian holiness means being a disciple. Disciples try to imitate Jesus’ entire way of life. Saints are not models of perfection. They’re models of a life-long process of gradual conversions.  Despite their doubts, fears, and weakness, they were slowly transformed into becoming more like Christ. GRACE, Christ’s sanctifying, divine life, strengthened them. It strengthens you to do things beyond your own expectations. Holiness expands your capacity to reconcile, to forgive, to begin again and again. The great news: you can learn the way of holiness!!

Into His Likeness, Edward Sri p.47,48, 49