Advent is here.
This year has been very challenging for all of us, and we may wonder how to hold hope and joy in our hearts right now.
Advent blesses us with time to step back and focus on our true Hope and Joy- God loves us so much that He sends His only Son so that everyone who believes may have eternal life. ~John 3:16
Bishop Jeffrey Grob offers his Advent Season reflection and blessing to all.
Take time during Advent to talk to Jesus and give Him your joys, struggles and questions. He came into this world for you!
Here are some familiar resources and opportunities to help on our journey:
Reflections on the daily Advent Gospel readings by Bishop Barron
Dynamic Catholic Advent Videos
This Advent, discover and choose the things that draw you to the light! Short, inspirational free videos each day to help you slow down and find Hope.
Experience a more peaceful, more joyful, and more meaningful Advent than ever before
What does God want this Advent? Simple. He wants you. He want a personal encounter with you. This year, as we journey through Advent with Rejoice! Finding Your Place in the Advent Story, we'll learn about the places, people, and events that shaped the story of the very first Advent and shape our own lives today.
Together with the guided meditation videos, this journal will help you to see the how the people, places, and events of the first Advent affected Jesus's story. You will take time to look at the people, places, and events in your own life, to see how the Lord is shaping your story, today.
Rejoice! will help you open your heart to the peace and joy of the Advent season as you prepare for the coming of Jesus this Christmas. We look forward to journeying with you.
Short Advent Daily Reflection videos
that feature Dr. Tim Gray commenting on the daily Mass readings, diving deeper into the joys and mysteries of the Incarnation.
Pray More Advent Retreat
Presentations from 6 different speakers that will help you focus on prayer in your everyday life this Advent -- and onward into the new Liturgical year.