Art & Environment Ministry

We are looking for a few volunteers to join our committee. If you enjoy worshiping in our environment and appreciate all of the plants and flowers provided weekly, we'd LOVE to have you join our group! We usually meet Monday mornings around 9 am and every other Friday morning at 9 am or Thursday evening around 4:30 pm. Don't worry if you know nothing about flowers or plants, we'd love to teach you. And it's not just working with plants, we also manage the banners and various set ups as the seasons and events deem necessary. If you have any interest or would like to learn a bit more about what this entails, please call Barbie Chmieleski at 847-772-8405 and I'd be happy to tell you more about our committee and answer any questions that you might have! 

Congratulations to Deacon Bob Arvidson on his 20-year anniversary of ordination to the deaconate

Bob Arvidson was ordained to the diaconate on May 20, 2001. As a deacon, Bob has embodied the three-fold ministry of service to the Word, Liturgy, and Charity here at Sr. Francis de Sales Parish. Over the years, he has touched many lives through the celebration of the sacraments including baptisms, first Communions, confirmations, weddings, and funerals. His evangelization efforts are also visible in the RCIA program and the many people he has brought to the Church of God. He has served as the Chaplain and Parish Liaison for the Knights of Columbus Queen of Peace Council. Bob is a talented liturgist and has had a major impact on almost every liturgical celebration at St. Francis de Sales Parish, especially Christmas, Holy Week, and Easter celebrations.

A Catholic deacon is one who is ordained to diakonia, or service to God’s people. Bob has served St. Francis de Sales for the past 20 years with a kind heart, pastoral guidance, and a deep knowledge of the Catholic faith. He has spent countless hours supporting many ministries and has served the parish with distinction. As we thank Bob for his wonderful vocation, we would be remiss if we did not also thank Sue, his wife and partner for life, for her unwavering support of Bob’s ministry. Congratulations to Bob and Sue. Thank you for 20 years of service to St. Francis de Sales and the Archdiocese of Chicago. May God’s blessing be upon both of you for years to come.

Please join us for the 2021 Jubilee Garden Season!

Jubilee Garden.png

Farming season has begun and will continue on Saturdays through October, with the exception of Memorial Day weekend. We meet from 8 to 11am on Saturday mornings. Your help is needed, even if only for an hour! For more details, please call Sharon Fredrickson at (847)643-6633. The Jubilee Garden is located on the north side of Route 22, just east of Quentin. For more information, check out our website at !

PARISH MISSION: The Story of Us presented by Kristin Bird



[ Mon Tues Wed ]

APRIL 26-28th, 2021


Monday: A Collision of Narratives

Tuesday: Discovering Your Story

Wednesday: Becoming God's Storyteller

Everyone has a story. Come discover the dynamic and life changing way that God’s story has collided with your story. Join us at our Parish Mission and see how knowing your story can awaken your relationship with Jesus. You will hear an authentic witness led by dynamic Catholic speaker, Kristin Bird. 

The Parish Mission kicks off on Monday, April 26. We will meet in person with  morning and evening options. All CoVid safety guidelines will continue to be followed including face masks and distancing. Evening sessions will be streamed to our YouTube & Facebook channels. More details to come. Registration will be required. 

Kristin Bird's unique blend of humor and down-to-earth wisdom has helped Catholics revitalize their relationships with Jesus and His Church. She has inspired youth and adults around the country to take the next step in their faith journey and to experience a lived, personal and intentional relationship with Jesus. 

MORE INFORMATION ABOUT SIGNUPS ON ITS WAY! Please text SFDSMISSION to 84576join for updates or call the Ministry Center!