Celebrating 47 Years & many more to come!
/Fr Paul Wachdorf
This past Saturday marked the 47th Anniversary for Fr Paul Wachdorf on his ordination into the priesthood. We are blessed to have such a wonderful man serving our community and want to wish him many more years of blessing God’s people.
Fr. Paul Wachdorf hails from the South side of Chicago. He attended St. Justin Martyr Parish School, Quigley High School Seminary South, and Niles College of Loyola University where he received a B.S. in Psychology. He attended Mundelein Seminary, received a Master of Divinity degree, and was ordained a priest on May 14, 1975. Fr. Paul’s first priestly assignment was at St. John Fisher Parish from 1975-1981. In 1981 he was appointed to the formation faculty of Mundelein Seminary. During his tenure at Mundelein Seminary, Fr. Paul served as Associate Dean of Formation, spiritual director, Director of Spiritual Life and Prayer Formation, and served as a weekend associate at Sts. Faith, Hope and Charity Parish in Winnetka. He has also received a master’s degree in Christian Spirituality from Creighton University. He was named pastor of St. Gregory the Great Church in July 2007 and retired as the Pastor Emeritus of St. Gregory the Great in September 2020. In retirement, Fr. Paul is the Coordinator of Spiritual Direction for the priests of the Archdiocese of Chicago, which includes recruiting/resourcing spiritual directors and being a contact for priests seeking a spiritual director. Currently, Fr. Paul lives in Lake Zurich and has been helping out at St. Francis de Sales since December of 2020.
We love you Fr Paul!