Virtual Bulletin
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School News - Week of Jan 22, 2023
/The Soaring Eagle Award was started this year by administration. Teachers and staff have an opportunity each month to nominate a student who demonstrates one of our school norms which are community, growth, respect, innovation and service. The following students received the Soaring Eagle Award for the month of December.
Lucas from Preschool 3’s for demonstrating the acts of respect, growth and service by helping his classmates whenever they need it. He is respectful to his classmates and often helps Mrs. Dunne clean up the classroom! Great job Lucas!
Austin from Preschool 4’s for demonstrating the acts of respect, growth and innovation by being the nicest boy who is always respectful to his classmates and teachers. He always includes others and is always building his “creations” and being innovative!
Maggie from Kindergarten for demonstrating the acts of respect and growth by being polite and a good listener to her teachers. Maggie has shown growth in her learning and is gaining more confidence every day. Great job Maggie!
Brooklyn from 1st grade for demonstrating the acts of community, respect and service by always being thoughtful and greeting her friends with a smile in the morning. She helps take down and put up chairs without being asked by her teacher.
Henry from 1st grade for demonstrating the acts of respect and growth by growing as a person and a student this year. He is a great leader and takes on responsibility when others need help. He is very respectful and follows the classroom rules. Great job, Henry!
Tyler from 2nd grade for demonstrating the act of community by always going out of his way to help others in his class. He never hesitates to assist a friend in need. He is always prepared for class and is a great student! Great job, Tyler!
Tvisha from 2nd grade for demonstrating the act of community by being a wonderful helper and leader in her classroom. She is always thinking about how her actions impact others. Tvisha is mindful of her actions and how they speak louder than words.
Valerie from 3rd grade for demonstrating the acts of community, respect and service by always being respectful to students and teachers. She shows service by helping others with their classwork. She is always courteous to those around her. Great job, Valerie!
Milani from 3rd grade for demonstrating the act of respect by always showing respect to others by holding doors, using her manners and bringing her kind and calm presence with her to class every day! Great job, Milani!
Penelope from 4th grade for demonstrating the act of growth and service by continuing to grow as a confident and hardworking student. She gives 100% effort in all she does and her work is always an amazing model for her peers. She has a Christ-like heart, always caring for her friends.
Brynn from 4th grade for demonstrating the act of community and respect by consistently showing respect, love and compassion to her classmates and teachers. She is always lending a helping hand to anyone who needs it! Great job, Brynn!
Stella from 5th grade for demonstrating the act of respect by always showing respect to her teachers and peers with a smile on her face. She is always willing to help others and her positive attitude shines through!
Ben from 6th grade for demonstrating the acts of respect, community and growth by being respected by his peers. Ben is a problem solver and is always looking for a solution. Ben is a leader in our classroom and community!
Will from 6th grade for demonstrating the acts of respect and community by always following instructions and being respectful to his teachers. Will’s maturity shines through his behavior.
Ella from 7th grade for demonstrating the act of growth by writing about art and her artwork with amazing insight. Her understanding of aesthetics and what art is and can be, demonstrates growth. Great job, Ella!
Billy from 7th grade for demonstrating the act of community by taking the initiative to help out in the classroom. He is always raising his hand and is eager to participate. Billy is a joy to have in class!
Zachary from 8th grade for demonstrating the acts of respect and service by always helping when asked, and he does so respectfully and without hesitation. Great job, Zachary!