PARISH MISSION: Spiritual Growth Made Easy

We want to invite you to the upcoming Parish Mission THIS WEEKEND!


The focus of the Parish Mission is on Prayer. Josh Danis, who works for Hallow as the Head of Parish and Diocesan Partnerships, will be speaking at all Masses on Sunday and also on Monday and Tuesday at 9:30am and 7:00pm (in the church).

  • Sunday, March 2nd - Styles of Prayer for Anyone

  • Monday, March 3rd - Beyond the Peaks and Valleys 

  • Tuesday, March 4th - Pathways of Grace 

If you are unable to get to Mass on Sunday March 2nd, you can watch Josh Danis' presentation during the 9:30 Mass which will be streamed and  available on our St Francis de Sales Youtube page.


What is Hallow? Hallow is a Catholic app that offers prayerful meditation, formal prayers, scripture, sleep, and rosary content. It also includes daily Gospel readings, introductions, and commentary from some of our favorite Catholic believers. 

St Francis de Sales is partnering with Hallow to go deeper into prayer this Lenten season. Watch for the special St Francis de Sales code to get our group discount.

  • Free access to "Lent Pray 40" content on the Hallow App (free and no credit card required) 

  • Access to a full trial of the Hallow App for 9 months for only $1!

  • 20% discount on the annual subscription ($56 instead of $70)

The Hallow team works to ensure Hallow always stays 100% authentically catholic & aligned with the Church.

The goal of our partnership is to help people encounter the Jesus, form robust personalized daily habits of prayer, and help the formation of small Christian communities who pray together -- where people are praying for each other and with each other. Through these prayers we are fueling the mission of the parish - fueling the hopes for the parish


The Hallow app was created in 2018 by Alex Jones. Read more about his story HERE.

Alex Jones: "I grew up Catholic, but fell away from my faith. I became fascinated with secular meditation, but always felt like something was missing – like I was being pulled towards something deeper.

I started asking everyone I knew if there was any sort of intersection between meditation and faith, and what I found changed my life…

The Holy Spirit quickly pulled together our amazing team and we began learning about the Church’s beautiful tradition of prayer & meditation. Not just what we all knew from grade school, but deep and transformative contemplative and meditative prayer techniques.So we quit our jobs and began building Hallow. We launched the app at the end of 2018, and have just been working to make it better ever since."

Kristin Bird Speaker at St Francis - Celebrating Easter


On  April 26, 27 & 28 we were blessed to have Kristin Bird speak to our parish community at 10:00am and 7:00pm.

Many people attended the in-person sessions as well as joined us through the St Francis de Sales Youtube and Facebook streams.  You can still log in and watch these.

Kristin shared her own personal stories and humor as she told us about the importance of sharing our own authentic stories with others, since in today’s world, the experience of others is highly regarded and valued.  People listen to our stories.  Kristin also shared God’s story from creation, the fall, and how Jesus came to reconcile us all to the Father and of course, how it’s up to us to choose to follow.   On her last day she shared how she experienced the love of God through the good council of a friend and a growing relationship with her husband and children.   She reminded us that we all have a story and how God is woven into our story.   We then had a chance to share some of our story in a discussion before we left the church.

A survey is being sent out to accumulate feedback. CLICK HERE

You can watch the 3 presentations through our Youtube and Facebook accounts. Links below.

Feel free to send any thoughts or comments to

PARISH MISSION: The Story of Us presented by Kristin Bird



[ Mon Tues Wed ]

APRIL 26-28th, 2021


Monday: A Collision of Narratives

Tuesday: Discovering Your Story

Wednesday: Becoming God's Storyteller

Everyone has a story. Come discover the dynamic and life changing way that God’s story has collided with your story. Join us at our Parish Mission and see how knowing your story can awaken your relationship with Jesus. You will hear an authentic witness led by dynamic Catholic speaker, Kristin Bird. 

The Parish Mission kicks off on Monday, April 26. We will meet in person with  morning and evening options. All CoVid safety guidelines will continue to be followed including face masks and distancing. Evening sessions will be streamed to our YouTube & Facebook channels. More details to come. Registration will be required. 

Kristin Bird's unique blend of humor and down-to-earth wisdom has helped Catholics revitalize their relationships with Jesus and His Church. She has inspired youth and adults around the country to take the next step in their faith journey and to experience a lived, personal and intentional relationship with Jesus. 

MORE INFORMATION ABOUT SIGNUPS ON ITS WAY! Please text SFDSMISSION to 84576join for updates or call the Ministry Center!