Virtual Bulletin
get the scoop on the latest going-ons at our parish
Lenten Gospel Series
/Join us for our Lenten Gospel Series
Each Sunday Mass this Lent will feature a homily as well as a witness talk from a fellow parishioner, both centered around the prayer
"Lord, Open My Eyes..." (Psalm 119:18)
Week 1 - To Become More Aware
Week 2 - To See the Light of Jesus
Week 3 - To Know God Accepts Me & Loves Me
Week 4 - To Come & See
Week 5 - To Have Hope in the Resurrection
Journey with us each week as we prepare our hearts for Easter!
Based on Scripture. This series will start February 25th / 26th.
WORSHIP & MUSIC Lenten Reflections Concert Series
/Former longtime cantor at St. Francis de Sales, Mary Ann Beatty, soprano, and pianist Mark James Meier, have been asked to present a one-hour concert on Sunday, March 19, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. The free concert is part of the 5-Week WORSHIP & MUSIC Lenten Reflections Concert Series held at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, 119th Street & Lincoln Avenue, in Whiting, Indiana-just 60 minutes from Lake Zurich, via the Skyway... parking a plenty! A free-will offering will be taken.
(, 219.659.0023)
Friday Night Annual Fish Fry & Bake @ Knights of Columbus
Ash Wednesday - March 2nd
/Please join us for one of these opportunities to receive ashes:
6:30am Prayer Service with ash distribution in church
8:30am Mass with ash distribution in church with School Students
12:00 Noon Mass with ash distribution in church. Mass also live streamed to Facebook and YouTube
4:30pm Prayer Service with ash distribution in church
4:30pm Drive up ash distribution in the west parking lot. The church prayer service will be broadcast to 89.9FM on your car radio
7:00pm Mass with ash distribution in church