The Pandemic has affected us all, and SPRED is no exception. We closed our SPRED doors in March of 2020 and didn’t reopen them until October of 2021. When we reopened, we were smaller and offered only one age group. We are now prepared to reopen our 6-10 age group in the Fall of 2022, as we continue to grow our 11-16 age group.
SPRED welcomes individuals with special needs into their Catholic community by forming small, age appropriate, faith groups that come together to support each other in their religious journey. SPRED serves persons age 6 to the grave and offers the opportunity to celebrate the sacraments of Holy Communion, Confirmation and Reconciliation with their fellow SPRED friends and at our SPRED Masses once or twice a year.
We house two age groups here at St. Francis de Sales and service all other age groups in our surrounding parishes. We also serve as a training and observation center for SPRED Catechists. We are one of only three in the Archdiocese of Chicago and the only one in the suburbs.
If you or someone you know is interested in more information, or in being a part of our SPRED Ministry either as a special needs member or a catechist (catechists must be at least 21 years of age) then please contact either Kelly L. Smith or Jackie Bathery: Co-Chairpersons, St. Francis de Sales SPRED.
Kelly L. Smith: Jackie Bathery:
Look for our Nut Sale in the Fall and more about SPRED at St. Francis de Sales in the coming months.