Letter from Fr. Jerry Jacob Regarding New School Leadership Appointment

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Dear Saint Francis de Sales Parish community, 

As the temporary administrator of your parish, I wanted to add my congratulations and best wishes to both Kyle Schmitt and Mary Keller. 

It is bittersweet to say goodbye to Kyle Schmitt. Kyle has been a wonderful school Principal and, during his tenure, has made many contributions to the St. Francis de Sales Parish School. Kyle has led the school to its second Blue Ribbon Award, put the school on a path to financial sustainability, increased school enrollment, improved overall programing including new writing and middle school math curriculum adoptions, launched the school’s aftercare program, and has guided the school safely during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

While Kyle’s departure was unexpected, I want to thank him for his great service to the parish school and community of Saint Francis, and offer my prayers for him and his growing family as he begins a new role as President of Notre Dame High School in Chattanooga Tennessee. May God’s Blessing be upon them in this time of transition. 

St. Francis de Sales Parish School is very blessed to have many great teachers and two excellent Assistant Principals. I would like to add my name to the long list of those congratulating Mary Keller on her appointment as the new Principal of the St. Francis de Sales Parish School. 

Mary has an impeccable resume, was a highly sought-after candidate for Principal at several Archdiocese schools, has a master’s degree in mathematics, and has worked closely with Kyle Schmitt and Fr. Ryan over the past several years. An important consideration from my vantage point is that Mary’s heart is here at Saint Francis de Sales Parish. She has expressed to me her love for Christ and for this parish community. Her commitment to Catholic education is evident from her dedication to our school community for many years. 

Please know that I, along with Fr. Ryan and parish leadership, followed a selection and interview process in conjunction with, and endorsed by, the Archdiocese of Chicago Office of Catholic Schools. The parish leaders, including me, who interviewed Mary for the position of Principal unanimously recommended her. 

At this time while Fr. Ryan has been asked to step aside from the parish, we are grateful for the stability and continuity that Mary brings to our parish school. Fr. Ryan and I could not be more pleased with Mary’s selection as Principal and wish her all the best in her new position. 

Let us pray for one another, 

Fr. Jerry Jacob Temporary Administrator Dean Vicariate 1-A 



We look forward to seeing you back in church 

Please register at www.stfrancislzparish.org and join us for our scheduled indoor Masses: 5 pm Saturday Vigil, 6:30 am Sunday, 9:00 am Sunday (also Live-streamed on our Youtube and Facebook channels) Tune into Comcast 4 and U-verse 99 for a rebroadcast of our Mass Sunday at 12:30 pm. 

We also offer a unique outdoor parking lot Mass. No registration necessary! 

11:15 am Sunday – West Parking Lot - behind the School/Church. Remain in your parked car and participate as our priest celebrates Mass from the altar on a raised truck platform. Mass is broadcast to your car radio 89.9 FM. You are able to receive Holy Communion as the Eucharist is brought to each car. 

Other weekday opportunities include: 

Daily Mass: Noon on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays. Please note our School Mass at 1 pm on Wednesdays. No registration is required. We also stream daily Mass on our Facebook and YouTube channels. Communion Service: 8 am Tuesdays and Thursdays 

Prayer experiences including Parish Mission, Scripture study and healing services. We continue to work on exciting new opportunities for you to stay connected to God and to each other. Please check our website frequently for current events. 

Ministry Center and Fr. Valker Hall are still closed until further notice. For scheduling funerals or sacraments of Baptism, Matrimony, Confession or Anointing of the Sick please call Parish Office at (847)438-6622. 

We pray that as the number of those vaccinated increases over the next few months, positivity and death rates in our state, which have been rising will significantly decrease. These rates determine state and Archdiocesan mandated guidelines regarding safety protocol and capacity limits that we must follow. We need to remain vigilant and continue to adhere to current public health and Archdiocesan guidelines including masking, distancing, capacity limits and hand sanitizing. 

We are at a critical tipping point in our fight against this virus. If we stay the course for another few months, following the state and Archdiocese guidelines, we can really knock this virus back for the good of all. And once we see a trend of significant decline in positivity rates, we are hopeful and excited that the state and Archdiocese will safely expand capacity limits and ease other restrictions. In the meantime, let’s love our neighbor as Jesus asks of us and continue to do our part to keep everyone safe. 

Keeping our church safe for all, requires a huge volunteer commitment. In order to keep our church doors open, we need adequate help. We have a very dedicated and joyful pool of volunteers, but we can always use more. If you would like to ensure that we can continue to safely keep our church open and at our capacity limit, please visit our website to sign up to volunteer. 



Donor Count.....................................................261 

2021 Goal.................................................$125,410 

Amount Pledged.....................................$106,473 

Goal Shortage...........................................$18,937 

Amount Paid..............................................$75,653 

Balance Due..............................................$30,820

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Annual Catholic Appeal: Come Follow Me...and bring hope to the world

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Our parish is conducting our campaign for the Annual Catholic Appeal. The Annual Catholic Appeal theme, “Come, follow me ... and bring hope to the world,” was selected because as disciples of Jesus, we follow the Master who both gives us hope and sends us to bring his hope to our world that needs it so much. 

Each prayer and each pledge makes a difference! The prayers and gifts of many enable our parishes, schools and ministries to deliver needed services. 

Our Annual Catholic Appeal goal for this year 2021 is $125,410. 

To make your gift, you can complete the mail-in giving envelope available at church or make a gift online by clicking the button on our website, www.annualcatholicappeal.com

As in the past, payments in excess of our parish goal will be returned to our parish as a rebate. 

Thank you for your prayers, consideration and generosity. 

Farewell to Fr Bradley Zamora - Thank you for all you have blessed us with!

Dear St. Francis de Sales Family, 


It has been an absolute joy to journey with you these last five months. Gosh, you are such an amazing parish and a true community of disciples. I am so grateful that the Spirit led me to assist with the sacramental life of your parish and be a fellow disciple on the journey. I know that you continue to navigate this moment of uncertainty but your resilient faith in our Risen Lord will continue to give you hope and trust. 

I wanted to share that Cardinal Cupich has asked me to take leave of my ministry and teaching at the seminary and become the new Director and Chaplain of the Sheil Catholic Center at Northwestern University. I am very excited for this new path ahead of me and I am looking forward to being able to journey with the many students of Northwestern University and also the greater community who make up the family of faith that is the Sheil Catholic Center. 

This new ministry, however, means that I will be saying “farewell” to my St. Francis de Sales family at the end of May, at least on a regular basis. You all have really filled my heart in so many ways since I arrived to “help out.” You embraced me as a member of your community and have uplifted me in so many varied ways and have allowed me to pray with you and for you. I’ll forever be grateful for the time we shared with one another. 

Please pray for me, for Mundelein Seminary and for the Sheil Catholic Center at Northwestern University. 

On the Journey Together, 

Fr. Bradley bzamora@archchicago.org 

PARISH MISSION: The Story of Us presented by Kristin Bird



[ Mon Tues Wed ]

APRIL 26-28th, 2021


Monday: A Collision of Narratives

Tuesday: Discovering Your Story

Wednesday: Becoming God's Storyteller

Everyone has a story. Come discover the dynamic and life changing way that God’s story has collided with your story. Join us at our Parish Mission and see how knowing your story can awaken your relationship with Jesus. You will hear an authentic witness led by dynamic Catholic speaker, Kristin Bird. 

The Parish Mission kicks off on Monday, April 26. We will meet in person with  morning and evening options. All CoVid safety guidelines will continue to be followed including face masks and distancing. Evening sessions will be streamed to our YouTube & Facebook channels. More details to come. Registration will be required. 

Kristin Bird's unique blend of humor and down-to-earth wisdom has helped Catholics revitalize their relationships with Jesus and His Church. She has inspired youth and adults around the country to take the next step in their faith journey and to experience a lived, personal and intentional relationship with Jesus. 

MORE INFORMATION ABOUT SIGNUPS ON ITS WAY! Please text SFDSMISSION to 84576join for updates or call the Ministry Center!

He is Risen! New Window Paintings at the Ministry Center

Have you seen the latest masterpiece that Fr Ryan's friend, Mr. Cappozzoli has painted on the windows of the Ministry Center? Here is a look at this spring's collection! Mr. Cappozzoli has been blessing our parish over the past year or so with his wonderful renditions of various biblical and faith scenes through the liturgical year. Thank you for your beautiful, inspiring artwork!


Let There be New LED Lights!


Many thanks to Larry & Mary Jo Butz and OEO Energy Solutions for their generous donation to Fr. Ryan and the Parish of all the new LED lights in the Ministry Center (1st and 2nd floor), entire parish school building, and Fr. Valker Hall. Not only does it look brighter and lighter, but it will reduce our energy consumption by an average of 65% year after year! 

This is a beautiful gift in honor and memory of Megan Butz 




This year's Regional Fair was quite different than in years past because it was completely virtual, with no opportunity for a question and answer session. Normally two judges agree on a single score for a student whereas this year a single judge provided a score based on a review of their written report and narrated slide presentation. Based on their score, they are provided a Participation, Bronze, Silver, or Gold Award. This year all Gold awards qualify for the State IJAS Exposition. 

Please let your students know how proud we are of them! 


Andrea Fernandez - Battery Size vs. Time - Silver Award 

Abby Hannah - Surfin' on Radio Waves - Gold Award 

Lilly Kinsey & Meghan Wiseman - How Music Affects Accuracy -Silver Award 

Philip Kruglov - Green Energy - Gold Award 

Annabella Ori - Does What You Think Something Is, Affect How You Smell It? - Silver Award 

Joseph Quast - Is this Helpful for Blind People? - Silver Award 

Evan Villinski - The Corked Bat: Powerful or Pointless? -Gold Award 

Elizabeth Vinnes - Do the Movies We Watch Affect How We Sleep? - Silver Award 

Illinois Junior Academy of Science (IJAS) State Qualifiers for 2021 

Abby Hannah - Surfin' on Radio Waves 

Philip Kruglov - Green Energy 

Evan Villinski - The Corked Bat: Powerful or Pointless? 

Meghan Wiseman - Which Preservative Keeps Gala Apples Freshest the Longest? 

Meghan Wiseman's project from last year, Which Preservative Keeps Gala Apples Freshest the Longest?, qualified for the State Fair in Spring of 2020. Since the State Fair was canceled last Spring due to the Pandemic, her project automatically qualifies for this year's State Fair. 

Congratulations and I hope your students enjoy a well-deserved Spring Break! 

Rita Salit, 6-8th Grade Science

8th Grade Boys' Volleyball defeat St Raymond!

The St. Francis Eagles 8th grade boys volleyball team defeated St. Raymond in the Northwest Suburban Catholic Conference tournament championship on May 13. This capped off a 20-0 season in both conference and tournament play, and a remarkable 39-1 stretch over two years for these boys.

From Left to Right: Coach Amy Whelan, Colin Whelan, Will Niese, Brad Schaefer, Dylan Franada, Adam Galdoni, Colin Ulbrich, Spencer Kinsey, Andy Lawitz




Donor Count..................…………………………………………........................595
2020 Goal.................……………………………………………….....................$127,293
Amount Paid.........……………………………………………............…...........$261,293
2020 Amount Collected Over Goal…………….………………………$134,000
Less AOC Administrative Costs…………………………….……..……..($12,400)
2020 Parish Rebate........………………………………………………….........$121,600