After Care Teacher Needed!


St. Francis de Sales School is in search of fun-loving, responsible adult who loves preschool/kindergarten age children.

  • Pays $17/hour

  • Begins Tuesday, August 17th, 2021 and ends on June 6th, 2022.

  • 2:00pm - 6:00pm Monday - Friday

  • The following dates the hours would be 12:00pm - 6:00pm: 9/3/2021, 10/29/2021, 11/11/2021, 12/21/2021, 2/11/2022.

  • The followings dates would be off and unpaid: 9/6/2021, 10/11/2021, 11/22/2021 - 11/26/2021, 12/22/2021 - 12/24/2021, 12/27/2021 - 12/31/2021, 1/3/2022 - 1/5/2022, 1/17/2022, 2/18/2022, 2/21/2022, 3/28/2022 - 4/1/2022, 4/15/2022, 4/18/2022

  • Work in collaboration with After Care teacher

  • for students in grades 1-4.

Please contact Mary Keller ( if you are interested in the position.

PPP Loan Forgiveness Update

St. Francis de Sales received approval from the SBA (Small Business Administration) and our bank, Cornerstone National Bank, granting full forgiveness of our 1st draw PPP loan in the amount of $513,600.00. St. Francis de Sales will seek forgiveness of our 2nd draw PPP loan in the same amount as our first submission as we near the end of August, 2021. We are very excited and grateful to be granted this initial forgiveness and remain hopeful that subsequent forgiveness will also be granted for our 2nd draw PPP loan.

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Outdoor Adoration Event

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St Francis de Sales is having our second summer outdoor Adoration experience!! Join us Wednesday July 28 from 7pm-8:30pm. Procession, prayer, music—worship our Lord. We will meet in the front parking lot outside church and process with Jesus to the back of church for a candle lit adoration experience. There will also be people who would love to pray with you individually, and we are making arrangements for a priest to be available for Reconciliation.

Art & Environment Ministry

We are looking for a few volunteers to join our committee. If you enjoy worshiping in our environment and appreciate all of the plants and flowers provided weekly, we'd LOVE to have you join our group! We usually meet Monday mornings around 9 am and every other Friday morning at 9 am or Thursday evening around 4:30 pm. Don't worry if you know nothing about flowers or plants, we'd love to teach you. And it's not just working with plants, we also manage the banners and various set ups as the seasons and events deem necessary. If you have any interest or would like to learn a bit more about what this entails, please call Barbie Chmieleski at 847-772-8405 and I'd be happy to tell you more about our committee and answer any questions that you might have! 


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St Francis de Sales will be collecting backpacks filled with school supplies to benefit underprivileged children in our community. Beginning July 17th & 18th Back-to-School Tags with a list of school supplies for each backpack will be available at church.

All school supplies should be placed in a new backpack and returned to church by Sunday, August 1st. It is also possible to donate online at www.ctc4kids/2021. Please designate St Francis de Sales Lake Zurich on your donation. Your gift means the world to a bright and deserving child eager for a proper education.




Sun., Aug. 1 – Wed., Aug. 4, 2021

St. Iakovos Retreat Center Kansasville, WI

Quo Vadis Days is a 4-day/3-night camp cosponsored by the Archdiocese of Chicago and the Diocese of Joliet and led by the seminarians. The camp is filled with dynamic talks, small group discussion, prayer experiences, as well as plenty of fun – sports, canoeing, capture the flag, fires and smores, and much more. The camp is open to all 13–18 year old men that want to grow in their relationship with the Lord and learn more about the priesthood. Camper capacity is 35 young men, sign up ASAP to reserve your spot. More information and registration is available at:

Are you interested in finding out more about becoming Catholic?

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At St. Francis de Sales we offer different faith formation avenues to help you on your spiritual journey. One may be right for you. We’d love to talk to you, get to know you and help walk with you.

Or maybe you know someone who you think would like to learn more about being Catholic. Please encourage them to call. And you might offer to come to some of our sessions as their companion.

To find out more, please call the Ministry Center at 847 438-6622

Become a CASA Volunteer

Help A Child

Too many children in Lake County are in vulnerable situations and need our help. Others are in an already overburdened foster care system and resources are stretched thin. There is a critical need for kindness and compassion and many ways to get involved. CASA of Lake County will help you understand more about how you can take faith filled steps to help a child's voice be heard.


Virtual Training Offered Every 8 Weeks

contact Lori Petersen at

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St Francis de Sales Mom's Group is BACK!


Mom’s Group

Summer 2021 with St Francis de Sales Parish Community

St. Francis Mom's Group is a place for mother's of young children to gather and grow in faith and fellowship. No matter if you are brand new or a Mom's Group regular, we would love for you to join us! With questions please contact Stephanie Tanner at\

Summer Park Playdate

When: Saturday, July 10th at 9am

What:  Join us for a morning of fun at the St. Francis de Sales School Playground (located behind the school) feel free to bring your coffee and husbands

Bonfire & S'mores

When: Wednesday, July 14th 6:30-8:30pm

What: Join us for a Mom's Night Out Bonfire & S'mores on the church patio. This will be a great time to reconnect with each other, meet new Mamas, and have some fun on a summer night. S'mores and beverages will be provided, but please bring your own lawn chair and if you would like a snack to share. (Nursing babies are welcome to join!)

Where: St. Francis de Sales Church Patio (The church patio is located behind St. Francis de Sales church. Park behind the church and follow the ramp down to the patio.)

Summer Park Playdate

When: Wednesday, July 28th at 10am

What:  Join us for a morning of fun at the St. Francis de Sales School playground (located behind the school)

10 Things That Happen When You Go To Adoration More Often


Written by Ruth Kennedy | Adoration, Best Of

The Eucharist is described in the Catechism as the ‘source and summit’ of our faith. Finding the time to go to Adoration can be difficult. But if you can make it happen, committing to regular Adoration with an open heart can have some surprising results.

While they were eating, He took some bread, and after a blessing He broke it, and gave it to them, and said, “Take it; this is My body.” And when He had taken a cup and given thanks, He gave it to them, and they all drank from it. And He said to them, “This is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many. (Mark 14:22-24)

In today’s culture, the idea of interior progress is drastically undervalued; many times it’s considered a waste of time or something from our naive ancestors. Usually, only exterior and more palpable progress
is worth anything. The main difference between the two (material and spiritual) is that material progress remains outside of you. It will offer you certain positive sensations, yet it is always colored with a fleeting and inconsistent kind of occurrence. An interior progress, on the other hand, means that it is you who are changed. The time you spend adoration may surprise you these ten ways:

1. You develop a sense of awe and wonder

There is nothing like the atmosphere of a quiet chapel or church, the smell of incense and the splendour of the monstrance to help you understand the truth of what is happening in Adoration. We are truly before Jesus Christ, His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. The more you sink into that silence in front of the Host, the more you’ll realize that the only response is awe and wonder at the greatness of our God.

2.  You experience peace in other areas of your life

Jesus said “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you.” (John 14:27)  The outward peace we can experience in Adoration (the quiet and the stillness) reaches much deeper. It leads to an inner peace that affects all areas of our lives. It doesn’t mean everything in our life will be perfect and without suffering, but Christ’s peace means that we know that the storms of life can’t shake us.

3. You begin to look outwardly

Jesus told us to “love one another as I have loved you”. (John 13:34) Spending time in Adoration connects us to the whole world – after all, we’re spending time with the Creator of all things! More time praising and adoring God means you can look beyond your own concerns and see the needs of others in your life and in the world that we live in.

4. You get bored sometimes

There are going to be times when Adoration can feel anything but glorious. You get distracted, your mind begins to wander, you can hear someone else sniffing next to you. Maybe in the beginning Adoration was full of wonderful feelings! Regular Adoration is when daily life sets in and it can make it feel not so special. But that doesn’t devalue or take away from the truth of what Adoration is. Our faith is more than feelings and God will still be working in you. This is the beauty
of the Incarnation – God made man, coming into all our stresses, fears, problems – and yes, boredom. Know that even if an hour spent in Adoration is a continual returning to Him every few minutes when your mind wanders, you are still giving God the best gift you can – your time and company.

5. But you become excited going to Adoration

The more time you spend in Adoration discovering that God is a God who loves you and wants to spend time with you, the more you begin to actually want to go. If Adoration once felt like a chore, you might even find yourself becoming excited to go! Adoration is addictive, not just because of the things we can gain for ourselves, but because we were created to adore. As we say in the Mass, it is “right and just” that we should give thanks to the Lord! Adoration is imprinted on our hearts and “our hearts are restless until they find our rest in Him”! (Thanks, St Augustine!)

6. Grace enters your life

It’s amazing how a simple act of committing to even a short time of regular Adoration makes such a huge difference to the rest of your life. You can carry that moment of being in His presence with you long after you’ve left the church or chapel. His grace sustains you in every moment, especially in moments of temptation. Temptation becomes easier to resist when you’re spending more time in Adoration. Sometimes, it really is that straightforward.

7. You realize how fortunate you are

If it is as simple for you as getting in the car and driving to Adoration
at church, or even walking to the chapel nearby, you realise how much you can take it for granted. There are those who would love to spend more time with Jesus in Adoration but who are housebound, sick or busy parents. Then there are those around the world who actually risk their lives for the Eucharist, in places where they are persecuted for their faith. When you remember those who walk for hours or days in dangerous situations in order to be present with Jesus, you realise what a gift it is to be able to pray openly, not to mention having a priest
to minister the sacraments.

8.  You realize that God has a sense of humor

The more you are able to sit and let God speak to you (instead
of spending all your time filling the silence with talking to Him), you’ll find that God has a really good sense of humor. He likes a joke or two, and sometimes these moments are funny enough to make you want to laugh out loud. Surprising, maybe, but don’t the best fathers show you their love by affectionate good humor?!?

9.  You want to go to Confession more

This might sound scary, but it’s not. Confession allows us to experience the mighty boundless ocean that is God’s mercy. His mercy swallows up all our sins and gives us a true kind of freedom, a freedom without fear, which allows us to make the leap into His love and goodness, complete with all His perfect plans for our life. Time and time again, going to Confession re-enforces the knowledge that we are jumping into the arms of a father who loves us very much and “never tires of forgiving us”. (Pope Francis).

10. You fall in love

Ultimately, you can’t help this one! When you spend more time with an open heart in Adoration and just let Christ love you, then you’ll fall in love too. That love will define you and allow you to be yourself.
“I came that they may have life, life in all its fullness.” (John 10:10)

Adult Confirmation Classes

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Are you a  practicing Catholic, between the ages of 18 & 99, who has made First Communion, but has not received Confirmation? 

Preparation for Confirmation for Vicariate I parishioners will be offered weekly, Monday, September 13 to Monday, November 1 from 7-9pm, at St. Edna Parish, 2525 N. Arlington Heights Road in Arlington Heights. Bishop Jeffrey Grob will preside
at the Confirmation Mass on Tuesday, November 9.

Registration forms will be available July 12 on or by contacting Lorie Crepeau at, 847-398-3362, ext. 325.  

Zoom sessions will be offered if necessary, on Thursday evenings during the same weeks as in-person sessions.