Hats, gloves, scarves, and mittens (donated by the St. Francis de Sales students and the Religious Education students)
4 big boxes of coats (donated by the Knights of Columbus)
Many gifts donated by Parishioners Mora and Ken Priess
Toys donated by the St. Francis School students
10 bikes donated by parishioners and fixed by the Boy Scouts (Troop 309)
Food for the Food Pantry
Everything was distributed at the Mother of the Americas Parish, Food Pantry, High School, and Elementary School.
Our most sincere “Thank You” to Father Ryan and the Ministry Center Staff for always supporting this Ministry and allowing the friendship with the Mother of the Americas Parish to continue and flourish every year.
You are all an example of God’s love, and this project would have not been possible without the help of so many. May God bless you abundantly, and may you have a wonderful 2023, full of happiness, peace, love, and good health!
Jane Clery Patricia Linares
Chairperson, Gift of Love Chairperson, Mother of the Americas Ministry