Thank You from Fr. Bala Allam & St Joseph Catholic Church in Dondapadu, India

Dearest Fr. Ryan and St. Francis de Sales Parishioners – Hearty greetings from Fr. Bala Allam and St. Joseph Catholic Church, Dondapadu, India. I send along many thanks to you all for your generous prayers and financial support. These prayers and your monetary support is a great help in rebuilding the Immaculate Conception Mission Church so that generations to come may have a place to celebrate the sacraments. No words can explain my sincere thanks and gratitude. May the good Lord continue to bless Fr Ryan and the parishioners of St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church.

I hope to be in the United States this summer and will make every effort visit St. Francis de Sales and offer Mass at your altar. Thank you very much.

In Union of prayers,
Fr Bala Allam