First Friday Eucharistic Adoration | June 3rd

First Friday Eucharistic Adoration

Do you want to quiet your mind and take time from the busyness of life? Come spend time with Jesus. He will make a difference in your heart. Join us for First Friday Adoration anytime between 9am - 4pm. All are welcome and you do not need to sign up to come stop by for a few minutes, an hour or however long you are able. In order to offer this amazing experience, we need a few adorers to commit to each hour. If you are able to commit to an hour. Visit our parish website to sign up for a time slot.

Prayer Squares Now Available!

Prayer squares, also known as pocket prayer shawls are now available through the Prayer Shawl Ministry. Prayer squares are miniature versions of prayer shawls perfect for carrying in your purse or pocket. They can also be tucked inside helmets and may be able to be taken into surgery.

As with all the prayer shawls, the crafters infuse each stitch with a prayer or loving intention to provide love and comfort to the person who will receive it.

If you are interested in receiving one, please stop by the Ministry Center.

They are back! Hand-Carved Olive Wood Gifts from the Holy Land

Proceeds benefit Catholic communities in the Holy Land.

The group that sells the olive wood from the Holy Land is going to be in the parish to sell the beautiful figurines to help the Christian community in the Bethlehem area. The Christian carvers in the Holy Land are suffering greatly as the local government refused to assist them with any kind of funds. Therefore, the consequences
are threatening to their existence. They are building hope on the Catholic churches to make a purchase from their group to put food on the table.

Please visit their website:
and try to purchase anything that would help substantially.
Thank you and God bless you all.

SFdS Art & Environment Committee | Fall Transformation

met on November 4 to decorate our church for Fall and Thanksgiving.  A lot of moving, rearranging, laughing and fun was involved in creating a worship space reflecting the beauty of Fall for our Lord.  Thank you for all you do!

If you would like to join in on this fun and help create a beautiful space throughout the liturgical year, please contact Barbie Chmieleski @ 847-772-8405 or

A Holiday Tradition | A Gift of Love 

We are returning to our tradition of adopting families and women from Mt. St. Joseph again this year. This year we have many individuals and families who need our assistance during the upcoming holidays. By remembering them with a Christmas gift and food for their dinner, we act as a reminder of Christ’s presence in the world today. We are also requesting gift cards or cash donations to allow us to purchase gift cards for families and for our sharing parish – Our Lady of Tepeyac, now Our Mother of the Americas. We will not collect gifts for them again this year, but we will appreciate the gift cards. 

We ask that you purchase a new article of clothing and a gift for each child in the family. Gifts for the parents are optional. We also ask that you purchase $10 Jewel or Walmart gift cards per person for the family so that they may make their own food selection. Look for the Gift of Love sign-up tables in the Gathering Space before and after Masses the weekends of November 6th and 7th ,13th and 14th and 20th and 21st .If you donate gift cards or cash they can be: 

Mailed to St. Francis, 135 S Buesching Road, Lake Zurich 60047 

Dropped off at the Ministry Center 

Dropped off in a dedicated box in church during the weekend Masses 

Through the online giving program 

If you donate gift cards please make the cards in increments of $25 or $50 and only for Walmart, Target or Jewel. Stop by the table to sign up or learn more about the program or call Jane Clery at 847-370-8933 with any questions you may have.

Art & Environment Ministry

We are looking for a few volunteers to join our committee. If you enjoy worshiping in our environment and appreciate all of the plants and flowers provided weekly, we'd LOVE to have you join our group! We usually meet Monday mornings around 9 am and every other Friday morning at 9 am or Thursday evening around 4:30 pm. Don't worry if you know nothing about flowers or plants, we'd love to teach you. And it's not just working with plants, we also manage the banners and various set ups as the seasons and events deem necessary. If you have any interest or would like to learn a bit more about what this entails, please call Barbie Chmieleski at 847-772-8405 and I'd be happy to tell you more about our committee and answer any questions that you might have! 

Congratulations to Deacon Bob Arvidson on his 20-year anniversary of ordination to the deaconate

Bob Arvidson was ordained to the diaconate on May 20, 2001. As a deacon, Bob has embodied the three-fold ministry of service to the Word, Liturgy, and Charity here at Sr. Francis de Sales Parish. Over the years, he has touched many lives through the celebration of the sacraments including baptisms, first Communions, confirmations, weddings, and funerals. His evangelization efforts are also visible in the RCIA program and the many people he has brought to the Church of God. He has served as the Chaplain and Parish Liaison for the Knights of Columbus Queen of Peace Council. Bob is a talented liturgist and has had a major impact on almost every liturgical celebration at St. Francis de Sales Parish, especially Christmas, Holy Week, and Easter celebrations.

A Catholic deacon is one who is ordained to diakonia, or service to God’s people. Bob has served St. Francis de Sales for the past 20 years with a kind heart, pastoral guidance, and a deep knowledge of the Catholic faith. He has spent countless hours supporting many ministries and has served the parish with distinction. As we thank Bob for his wonderful vocation, we would be remiss if we did not also thank Sue, his wife and partner for life, for her unwavering support of Bob’s ministry. Congratulations to Bob and Sue. Thank you for 20 years of service to St. Francis de Sales and the Archdiocese of Chicago. May God’s blessing be upon both of you for years to come.