We are returning to our tradition of adopting families and women from Mt. St. Joseph again this year. This year we have many individuals and families who need our assistance during the upcoming holidays. By remembering them with a Christmas gift and food for their dinner, we act as a reminder of Christ’s presence in the world today. We are also requesting gift cards or cash donations to allow us to purchase gift cards for families and for our sharing parish – Our Lady of Tepeyac, now Our Mother of the Americas. We will not collect gifts for them again this year, but we will appreciate the gift cards.
We ask that you purchase a new article of clothing and a gift for each child in the family. Gifts for the parents are optional. We also ask that you purchase $10 Jewel or Walmart gift cards per person for the family so that they may make their own food selection. Look for the Gift of Love sign-up tables in the Gathering Space before and after Masses the weekends of November 6th and 7th ,13th and 14th and 20th and 21st .If you donate gift cards or cash they can be:
Mailed to St. Francis, 135 S Buesching Road, Lake Zurich 60047
Dropped off at the Ministry Center
Dropped off in a dedicated box in church during the weekend Masses
Through the online giving program
If you donate gift cards please make the cards in increments of $25 or $50 and only for Walmart, Target or Jewel. Stop by the table to sign up or learn more about the program or call Jane Clery at 847-370-8933 with any questions you may have.