Alpha One

Recently a group of six Protestant and five Catholic Churches from throughout the Chicagoland area joined together for an Alpha One event at Parkview Community Church in Glen Ellyn. All the churches who met have been running Alpha in their communities.  Alpha is a series of sessions open to anyone interested in exploring the big questions in life in the basics of the Christian faith.

Nine people from the new pilot Alpha program at st. Francis de Sales joint the special opportunity to unite together as Christians and worship and prayer for our communities,  Churches City and Nation.

Jesus prayed for this kind of unity in John 17:21: “ I pray so that they may all be one, as you Father, are to me and I in you, that the world may believe.”  everyone present felt the Holy Spirit at work in their hearts. As we come together in unity and openness, the Holy Spirit can work through us to help others to Jesus.

Here’s what Gabriel Lerma, director of Alpha in Chicagoland, had to say about the evening: “As I reflect on what God did this Friday through Alpha One, I’m truly humbled and grateful to have spent the evening with you. We worship together, pray together, and experienced the power of the Holy Spirit ...together.  both Protestants and Catholics celebrate Church unity and the transformative work God is doing through Alpha. What an amazing night!”

Watch out for our parish Mission September 16-19th  and our new Alpha session starting this fall, October 1st.

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