Keeping You and Our Church Safe!

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Per the Archdiocese: All parishes should continue to require masks for all attendees at Masses and Liturgies

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We continue to work hard to be able to safely offer opportunities for you  to worship Jesus in our church and gather together to receive His Body.  St Francis de Sales remains vigilant in following all safety guidelines mandated by the Archdiocese and the state of Illinois which include masking, distancing, capacity limits and hand sanitizing.

We pray that the  positivity rates which determine these state and Archdiocesan mandated guidelines continue to decrease.    We are hopeful and excited that the state and Archdiocese will then be able to safely expand capacity limits and ease other restrictions.  In the meantime, let’s love our neighbor as Jesus asks of us and continue to do our part to keep everyone safe.  

Keeping you and our church safe, requires a huge volunteer commitment.  In order to keep our church doors open,  we need adequate help.   We have a very dedicated and joyful pool of volunteers, but we can always use more.  If you would like to ensure that we can continue to safely keep our church open and at  our capacity limit, please consider volunteering at

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Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.