Hand-Carved Olive Wood Gifts from the Holy Land 

Proceeds benefit Catholic communities in the Holy Land. 

The group that sells the olive wood from the Holy Land is not going to be in the parish to sell the beautiful figurines to help the Christian community in the Bethlehem area. The Christian carvers in the Holy Land are suffering greatly as the local government refused to assist them with any kind of funds. Therefore, the consequences are threatening to their existence. They are building hope on the Catholic churches to make a purchase from their group to put food on the table. 

Please visit their website: www.starofbethlehemart.com and try to purchase anything that would help substantially. 

Thank you and God bless you all.


Did you know that 600 Christian families are living in Bethlehem and are completely dependent on carving olive wood figurines for their livelihood? The recent clashes in the Middle East have stopped the tourism industry in Bethlehem, causing most of those families serious harm in earning their living and forcing many of them to leave their homeland. Christians having to leave the land of Christ has tragic consequences on the holy sites. Issam from “Star of Bethlehem Group” came to the United States with a mission to help those families by selling their beautiful religious hand crafts. The cost of goods goes to benefit the Christian carvers to keep them working in the spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, the profit from sales goes directly to the needy Catholic schools and clinics in the Holy Land. Star of Bethlehem has been approved by many bishops and the diocese of Jerusalem. 
