The Seven Last Words of Jesus Prayer Service [Good Friday | April 2, 2021]


Good evening.

Jesus, the word of God, gave us words of wisdom filled with hope and spoken from His heart. His words provide the truth about the meaning of life and call us, each of us, to work tirelessly for building a community of disciples which is rooted in his unconditional, unqualified love. The season of Lent has provided us with the opportunity to go deeper. To go deeper into our minds and deeper into our hearts to draw us closer to the realisation of God's presence in our lives. On this Good Friday, Jesus' final words, spoken to us as his human life was ending, help us better understand God's love for each of us. His Last Words show us human pain and suffering, and they promise that God's love is the source of life. So as we gather tonight my friends, whether in our sanctuary or the sanctuaries of our home, we enter into these seven last words of our Jesus. These words will come alive for us as fellow disciples witness to the way that these words are intertwined in the narrative of each of their own lives. But our collective prayer is that as we walk this journey with our Lord tonight our mind and heart will be open to see and hear how the very Paschal mystery that we celebrate in these sacred days is patterned in each of our own paths of discipleship. So may each of us find inspiration to love God and to love others as we reflect together on Jesus's last words.

- Fr Bradley Zamora