Welcome to Fr. Bob Heinz and Thank You to Fr. Jerome Jacob 

Fr. Bob Heinz has been named the new Temporary Administrator of St. Francis de Sales Parish effective June 1, 2021. Fr. Bob is replacing Fr. Jerry Jacob who has been the Temporary Administrator of the parish for over six months.

Fr. Bob is an experienced and much-loved pastor in the Archdiocese of Chicago and will accompany the St. Francis de Sales faith community until the return of our pastor Fr. Ryan. Fr. Jerry will return to his more than full time duties as the Pastor of Saint Mary of the Annunciation and Dean of Vicariate 1-A .

It is difficult to say goodbye to Fr. Jerry. The parish owes him a great debt of gratitude for stepping in and leading St. Francis de Sales through some of the busiest and most difficult months of the year. With his leadership, the parish has continued to celebrate all the sacraments and move ahead on important discipleship and evangelization initiatives.

Please watch Fr. Bob’s and Fr. Jerry’s video messages. Also included is a personal letter from Fr. Jerry to the parish. A very warm welcome to Fr. Bob and a heartfelt thanks to Fr. Jerry. May God’s Blessing be upon both of them and the St. Francis de Sales Parish.

A Letter from Fr Jerry

Dear Parishioners of Saint Francis de Sales, 

It was the week of Thanksgiving last November when I received the unfortunate news that allegations had been made against your pastor, Fr. David Ryan.  I was asked if I would accept the assignment as a temporary administrator and I said “Yes,” with the hope that there would be a swift and just resolution to these allegations.  It has now been 6 months and I have had to face the reality that a resolution is still going to take more time, possibly months.  It is humbling for me to admit that I do not have the energy to continue serving as a temporary administrator while also serving as the Pastor of Saint Mary of the Annunciation and as the Dean of Vicariate 1-A .  

My classmate, Bishop Jeffery Grob, recognized that this was beginning to take a toll on my health and he initiated a search for a full-time temporary administrator.  I am grateful that Fr. Bob Heinz has agreed to accept the assignment as a temporary administrator of St. Francis de Sales Parish until allegations against Fr. Ryan are resolved.

I want to take this opportunity to thank Deacon Tom Purtell, Deacon Bob Arvidson, Deacon John Sfire, your pastoral team, especially Pam Lynch, Judy Reilly and Laura Angelini, and everyone who has been so welcoming and helpful to me these past 6 months. I am also most grateful for the support of Bishop Jeffery Grob and Bishop George Rassas, especially for administering the Sacrament of Confirmation.  I am also very grateful for the many priests who have served during this time, including Fr. Paul Wachdorf, Fr. Bradley Zamora, Fr. Rodolfo Ramirez, Fr. Emery de Gall, Fr. Dennis Zalecki, and Fr. John Hoffman.  

I have come to love the people of Saint Francis de Sales and I will continue to keep you and your pastor, Fr. David Ryan, in my prayers.

Let us pray for one another,

Fr. Jerry