Introducing our New Tech Team!!

Welcome to our TECH TEAM: Kaden Abrantes, Mario Bernardi, Ann Benoy, Isabel Edgcomb, Anna Edgcomb, Gianna Hesslau, Aris Monnette, Sarah Richards and Friday Ruiz. This team helps us project the prayers and responses during Mass. On Sunday at 9am and Wednesday noon we stream Mass for those who can’t join us in person. We are grateful to be able to help parishioners feel connected when they can’t physically be with us.

This team also helps with special events. For example, when Mitch Siegel spoke about the Veterans Employment Program the tech team shared pictures from Veterans benefiting from the program’s good work!

When asked about their experience on the tech team, the teens have shared they enjoy the new perspective from the loft and the opportunity to participate in the Mass even more closely.

We have a few openings. Please contact Pam Lynch if you know someone that may be interested in joining the team!

Fr Ryan conveys that this team is doing a great job as they learn and teach each other. As we know, the most important parts of Mass happen at the front of the church and especially on the Altar.

The prayers and responses can help people participate more fully and feel welcomed especially if they haven't been at Mass for a while, or if this is their first Mass experience. Of course, no one is perfect, so please be patient. You can find the team in the loft of the church, so feel free to wave during the sign of peace.