May Crowning 2021 Reflection by Elizabeth Vinnes, Grade 8

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May Crowning 2021 Reflection by Elizabeth Vinnes, Grade 8

This year, May Crowning was different than it was in past years. Normally, during May Crowning the whole school, their family members, and other parishioners gather in a packed church to participate in a ceremony dedicated to Mary.  The eighth grade normally leads in scripture readings and the praying of the Rosary, and we all sing songs in praise of the Blessed Mother. With Covid this year, only second and eighth graders were able to attend in the church, and everyone else watched the livestream from their classrooms and homes. We weren’t able to pray the Rosary, say special prayers, or sing songs to Mary.  On a normal May Crowning, each class brings in flowers to give to Mary, and the flowers would stay by her side in the church for days after. Classes this year weren’t able to bring in flowers. This year, May Crowning was incorporated into our weekly Mass, and the 8th graders gave flowers to Mary.  Despite the differences brought on by Covid restrictions, this May Crowning felt  special too. 

This year, I was selected to crown Mary at our May Crowning Mass. It was an honor to have such a special and important role in a ceremony to revere and crown the Blessed Virgin. Walking up to crown Mary, I was a little nervous because I was scared to mess up with many people staring at me.  That feeling changed when I finally approached the statue and laid the crown of flowers on her head.  In that moment, I felt a special spiritual connection with her, like she was looking down at us proudly and smiling. After I went back to my seat, I was deep in prayer with her, quietly talking to her in my head. I had never felt so close to her before. It felt amazing. Now, I feel my relationship with her is very strong.  

In the end, despite the challenges that Covid presented, everything went as it should have. It was even more special for me because I became closer to Mary than ever before.  Overall, like so many experiences this year, it was a May Crowning that was different than other years, but we were able to make this important ritual happen and acknowledge the special role that Mary plays in our faith.